The OFMC (Oregon Federation of Music Clubs)
Festival Program
I am a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC), and it's local state organization, the Oregon Federation of Music Clubs. The Festival program asks students to perform two memorized pieces of music, and to have their performance evaluated and adjudicated. One of these pieces comes from an NFMC catalog consisting of American contemporary composers. The other piece is one that we choose separately, and is not in the NFMC catalog.
Students are assigned to a class of 4-8 students based on their age, level of participation (there are several levels), and the pieces that they are performing. Each student in the class performs their pieces for each other and in front of a small audience. An adjudicator provides each student with written comments on their playing and then addresses the group as class. Students receive ribbons, certificates, and points for their individual performance. When a student earns 15 points (this takes at least 3 years), they get special recognition at a gold-cup recital in the spring. Festival is an excellent program in which I encourage students to participate. It is a great opportunity to experience to learn outside of the home and lesson/studio environment.
Festival Program
I am a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC), and it's local state organization, the Oregon Federation of Music Clubs. The Festival program asks students to perform two memorized pieces of music, and to have their performance evaluated and adjudicated. One of these pieces comes from an NFMC catalog consisting of American contemporary composers. The other piece is one that we choose separately, and is not in the NFMC catalog.
Students are assigned to a class of 4-8 students based on their age, level of participation (there are several levels), and the pieces that they are performing. Each student in the class performs their pieces for each other and in front of a small audience. An adjudicator provides each student with written comments on their playing and then addresses the group as class. Students receive ribbons, certificates, and points for their individual performance. When a student earns 15 points (this takes at least 3 years), they get special recognition at a gold-cup recital in the spring. Festival is an excellent program in which I encourage students to participate. It is a great opportunity to experience to learn outside of the home and lesson/studio environment.